as you have noticed, my msn nick says: "bite me!"
inspired from this picture haha
how lame. wdvr LOL.
Listening to: Momentum--Ayumi Hamasaki
YOYO! Second post of the day
despite my pile of homework XD
anyway i'm like addicted to this song ever since i downloaded it
i've downloaded alot of jpop MTVs lately haha
and then i get addicted to them :D
woohoo like finally
but then damn difficult
we drew sktches of mushrooms
then did a layout plan for a bigger art piece
difficult sia.
not sure if i can cope with it.
might quit art. or rather, WILL quit art.
take a level or wdvr next time bah (:
haha then out teacher was like playing classical music during the lesson through the radio?
damn irritating haha!
its like the music keep repeating.
never listen to classical music while doing art
JPOP is the best music for your brain.
cause its not boring
and plus you can't really undrstand everysingle thing
so you don't get distracted.
lol wdvr.
so tonight we were cloning.
shan't mention any details yea
but some people were damn lag at noticing haha?
well anyway,
i did a lame zuo wen with a freaking lame plot XD
funny. now its late i have to sleep
tomorrow english presention like omg?
jiayou emma!
nights with LOVE
from emma
pi LOVE! :D
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